Saturday, November 15, 2014

FW: VVA Web Weekly - What's New on November 14, 2014

Subject: VVA Web Weekly - What's New on November 14, 2014
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 22:51:54 +0000

VVA's Web Weekly - What's New on

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Vietnam Veterans of America · 8719 Colesville Road · Suite 100 · Silver Spring, MD 20910 · USA

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In This Issue November 14, 2014

Happy Birthday National Guard!!

VA Restructuring to Include Consumer Service and Advisory Councils

HVAC Chair's Statement on VA Restructuring

VA Has List of 1,000 Who Should Be Fired
"Ticket to Work for America's Veterans": Free Services for Those Who Served
House to Vote Again on "Hire More Heroes Act" in New Congress
DoD and NCAA Form Alliance to Fight Concussions
CMS Okays Lung Cancer Screening for Medicare Beneficiaries
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National Guard Turns 378
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Armed Forces Vacation Club Ad

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Support Senate Bill S.2738 and House Bill H.R. 5484

Happy Birthday National Guard!!
378 Years (1636-2014)

National Guard Logo
As Reported by Military Times

VA Restructuring to Include Consumer Service and Advisory Councils

In a November 10 Military Times article by Leo Shane III, VA officials will add a new customer-service branch and a national network of veteran advisory councils in what is being touted as the largest restructuring of the department in its history.
Read complete article here:
HVAC Press Release

HVAC Chair's Statement on VA Restructuring

From a November 10 HVAC press release: "New plans, initiatives, and organizational structures are all well and good, but they will not produce their intended results until VA rids itself of the employees who have shaken veterans' trust in the system. So far, VA hasn't done that, as evidenced by the fact that the majority of those who caused the VA scandal are still on the department payroll. I'm disappointed that instead of fully embracing the new firing authorities Congress and President Obama gave VA as part of the "Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act," the department has shied away from them and even added more bureaucratic red tape, such as additional appeals and interminable stints on paid leave. No one doubts that reforming VA is a tough job. But getting rid of failed executives should be the easiest part, not the most difficult."
—Rep. Jeff Miller, Chairman, House Committee on Veterans' Affairs
As Reported by The Blaze

VA Has List of 1,000 Who Should Be Fired

Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert McDonald says he has a list of more than 1,000 people at the VA who should be fired. (AP Photo/David Becker)
In a November 10 The Blaze article by Peter Kasperowicz, VA Secretary Robert McDonald says he has a list of more than 1,000 people that could be fired from the VA, and indicated the department is slowly working through that list to see who should be removed.
Read complete article here
National Work Incentive Seminar

"Ticket to Work for America's Veterans": Free Services for Those Who Served

Ticket To Work
On November 19, at 3 p.m. EST, a team of disability benefits experts will present a national Work Incentive Seminar Event (WISE) webinar titled "Ticket to Work for America's Veterans: Free Services for Those Who Served." WISE webinars are a great first step for people who have a disability and are ready and able to benefit from the social and financial rewards of employment. The free WISE webinar will present information about Social Security programs. A special guest speaker will address Ticket to Work and Work Incentives for America's Veterans; Employment Supports for Veterans with Disabilities; and Additional Resources for Veterans with Disabilities.
Register online today at or call 1-866-968-7842 (V) or 1-866-833-2967 (TTY)
As Reported by The Hill

House to Vote Again on "Hire More Heroes Act" in New Congress

In a November 11 The Hill article by Cristina Marcos, the House will vote on legislation in the new Congress to incentivize businesses to hire more veterans by excluding them from the healthcare law's employer mandate. Under the bill, H.R. 3474, titled the "Hire More Heroes Act," employers could exclude veterans who receive health coverage through the DoD or the VA from their lists of workers in order to avoid Obamacare's employer mandate.
Read complete article here
From DoD News

DoD and NCAA Form Alliance to Fight Concussions

In a November 7 DoD News article by Amaani Lyle, DoD and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) are partnering in a $30 million initiative to combat concussions. The initiative will look at ways to improve prevention, protection, and treatment of concussions in athletics, during military training, and in combat. "This grand alliance represents the most comprehensive investigation of concussion and head-impact exposure ever conducted," said Army Maj. Gen. Nadja West, Joint Staff surgeon.
Read complete article here
Armed Forces Vacation Club Ad
From The Veterans Health Council

CMS Okays Lung Cancer Screening for Medicare Beneficiaries

Lung Cancer Screening
On November 10, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a draft decision requiring Medicare coverage of low-dose computed tomography (CT) lung cancer screening for at-risk beneficiaries. Approximately four million Medicare beneficiaries fit the eligibility criteria for screening. The decision is aligned with the recommendations submitted to CMS in September by a coalition led by the Lung Cancer Alliance, the American College of Radiology (ACR), and nearly 100 other professional societies, public health organizations, medical centers, and patient groups, including VVA's Veterans Health Council.
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