Native American Heritage |

Support Senate Bill S.2738 and House Bill H.R. 5484
November is National American Indian Heritage Month

Remember the many contributions and accomplishments of American Indians and Alaska Natives and honor the legacy of our first Americans. Celebrate their vibrant culture and heritage during National American Indian Heritage month.
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Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 (VACAA) |
Open Letter from VA Sec McDonald re: Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014
From VA Secretary Mc Donald on November 5: At the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), we have one of the most noble and inspiring missions in Government. I accepted this job and joined this mission to better serve you—our Veterans—and improve the delivery of the care and benefits you have earned. It is our privilege to serve you, and I have made clear that as we move forward as a Department, we will judge the success of all our efforts against a single metric—the outcomes we provide for Veterans.
The Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 (VACAA), enacted less than 3-months ago, goes a long way toward enabling VA to meet the demand for Veterans health care in the short-term. VA has put considerable focus and attention on ensuring the law is implemented seamlessly, without confusion, and without creating hardships for Veterans. This legislation provides authorities, funding, and other tools to better serve Veterans in the short-term. We are appreciative of this temporary measure to improve access while we build capacity within the VA system to better serve those who rely on us for health care.
Read the letter here |
As Reported by Stars and Stripes |
Bill to Shield Veterans Services from Government Shutdown Advances

According to an October 30 Stars and Stripes article by Travis J. Tritten, a bill to secure the funding of veterans' services in a time of uncertain federal budgets won an initial legislative victory on Capitol Hill during the week.
Read complete story here |
Editorial by The Arizona Republic |
Editorial Board of AZ Republic Rips VA on Phoenix Report

In a November 3 editorial by The Arizona Republic Editorial Board, critics of the Department of Veterans Affairs—including The Arizona Republic—have warned for months that the agency is intent on waiting out this crisis over its quality-of-care lapses.
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As Reported by Stars and Stripes |
DOJ Contradicts VA on Firing Executives
In a November 5 Stars and Stripes article by Travis J. Tritten, the VA made a string of announcements in September and October about managers it recommended for termination, but it remains unclear how many have actually been fired. The VA says it has held off for months on firing top management linked to a nationwide health care scandal because of ongoing criminal probes by the Department of Justice. But the DOJ this week told House investigators it takes no position on the VA firing disgraced Phoenix hospital director Sharon Helman and others who were in charge while hundreds of veteran hospitals and clinics manipulated patient data.
Read complete story here |
As Reported by San Diego Union-Times |
Companies Target Military Pensions
According to a November 3 article in the San Diego Union-Times by Joel Hoffman, federal auditors and local veterans are concerned about a novel lending practice that gives military pensioners money up front in exchange for signing over monthly benefits for a period of time.
Read complete story here |
From The Veterans Health Council |
Medicare Enrollment Opens

Medicare open enrollment is upon us and runs through December 7, 2014.There is a new, recently launched online resource, Seniors Speak Out to help people choose the best plan and access other helpful resources during this open enrollment season. Seniors Speak Out provides information to seniors, caregivers, and advocates who want to learn more about the Medicare Part D prescription drug program, while also offering resources from around the web. Seniors Speak Out includes everything from fast facts about open enrollment to a localized map for finding in-person help.
The various sections on the new website Seniors Speak Out include:
- Medicare – Information you need about open enrollment
- Healthy Living – Tips for maintaining an active lifestyle
- Speak Out – Facts about the value of Part D
- Latest News – Pertinent and engaging stories about Medicare.
As Reported by Stars and Stripes |
DPMO Head Winfield Reportedly Resigns as Agency Reorganizes

As reported October 28 by Matthew M. Burke for Stars and Stripes, W. Montague Winfield, deputy assistant secretary of defense for POW/Missing Personnel Affairs and director of the Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office, submitted his resignation letter to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Oct. 15, according to an email from his special assistant that was sent to family and veterans groups. The retired Army major general's resignation is effective Nov. 15, when he will return to work for the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Read complete story here |
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