Friday, May 17, 2013

VVA Chapter 17

Meeting of VVA 17
 At our last meeting in May I was very disappointed with all the childish behavior.  We acted like a bunch of school children.  I would want to believe that at our age we should be able to act more like adults.  I mention this because during the time I spent calling our members to ascertain their email address to update our list, there were several members who told me that they do not come to the meetings because of this very thing. Perhaps we need to appoint our past President to be the Parliamentarian to insure that we run our meetings according to Roberts’s rule of order. That way maybe we can head that kind of behavior off before it gets out of hand. If we can accomplish these changes then just maybe we can have more of our members taking part in our meetings, fundraisers and other events. Then and only then we can start to move forward in making sure we leave no Veteran behind.

Thank you
Robert Serge
VVA chapter 17
Blog Master

1 comment:

Roger Henning PhD said...

Agree. I think many of the people behind me have such poor hearing they do not realize that someone up front is talking and themselves talk so loudly because of their own hearing. I wear hearing aids and understand that I speak much louder than I should, but at the appropriate time, not during meetings. I am sure is asked they would show respect to the officers. I think it may be a case of wanting to socialize and not remembering that during the business meeting is not the time.