Chap. 17 Newsletters

The Chapter 17 Newsletter is published every two months. If you do not receive this newsletter, or simply prefer to view it online, you can read our current newsletter by clicking on the links provided in the list below.  We like to keep one year's worth of issues available for your convenience*.  Please note that you will need Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded via this link "Get Acrobat Now"   for free.
Please note that the newsletter is a large PDF file, and may or may not take 2 to 4 minutes to load with Netscape or Internet Explorer, andfor those with dial-up connections, as long as 8 to 10 minutes with AOL type browsers.  DSL, broadband, or high speed connectionstake just seconds to open these files.

vva 17 newsletter                                                             

 NOV-DEC 2013                JAN - FEB 2014      
  Sept-Oct 2013                   March - April 2014                              
July, August 2013                May - June NL 2014

 May, June  2013                  NOV. - DEC N L 2014

  March, April  2013               Jan -Feb N L2015 

January, February 2013         March April 2015

 Nov, Dec 2012                      May June 2015                                                           

 Sept, Oct 2012                      July-Aug 2015                                                                                                                                 
July, August 2012                  Sept-Oct 2015                            
May, June 2012                                     
March, April 2012                                         

Jan, Feb 2012

January-Febuary 2011                                          

Nov,Dec 2011

Sept, Oct 2011

Nov-Dec 2010

1 comment:

grumpiebob said...

This will be were you can come to read our newsletters some from 2011 thru 2013